Knowledge Articles | Things you didn't know about Earth

Things you didn't know about Earth

Earth is the only planet that isn't named after a mythological character. Just recount the names of other planets and you will know this fact by yourself. The word earth is derived from Old English and means 'ground, soil, surface...'.

For thousands of years, people believed that Earth is centre of the Universe. It was only in 15th century that Copernicus has declared that Sun is the centre of the Solar system.

The density of Earth is highest in Solar System. It is 5.52 grams per cubic metre. Saturn is the one with lowest density with 0.69 grams per cubic metre. That is the reason why Saturn could even float on the water.

Earth doesn't take 24 hours to revolve around it. It is four minutes short of 24 hours. And it is not 365 days that are needed to complete its orbit around the sun. It actually takes 365.2564 days for such task. This extra time is adjusted by adding one more day for every four years... and that is what we call a leap year.

We know that Earth has only one natural satellite. But have you ever heard of 'Earth's second moon'. Yes! An Asteroid named 'Cruithne' has been revolving around us and is often called as our second moon. But it hasn't much significance because... it's just 5 kilometres in radius.

Do you know that earth is not round in shape! It appears bulging at the equator due to continuous rotation. Such a bulge would also make it appear flatter at the poles.

Water might be forming around 70% of earth's surface. But it accounts for only 0.5% of Earth's mass. Though there are planets with more water, such water is hidden beneath their surface... which makes them futile.

When you think of Earth, you think of Oxygen which is vital for life... and you think of Carbon dioxide which is thought to be against life. But do you know that Oxygen comprises of just 21 percent of gases found on earth! And Carbon dioxide is just 0.038 percent. It is nitrogen that is widely present on earth with... 78 percent!

The highest point on our earth is none other than the Mount Everest (29,029 ft.). But the lowest point on earth is so deep that it can hide even the Mount Everest. It's called Challenger Deep (Mariana Trench) and lies in the bed of Pacific Ocean. Challenger Deep is almost 36,000 ft. in depth!

When talking of records... let's watch the temperatures as well! The place with highest temperature on earth is thought to be the 'Lut Desert' in Iran. Researchers have recorded a whooping 70 degrees average at the desert. The official record for lowest temperature was created at Antarctica with a chilling -89.2 degrees.